Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survived the village

So Kibanda was intense, and I must admit that I was not prepared for what I saw/experienced. I went to a couple villages when in Pakistan, but never stayed in one. We stayed in Kibanda for 3 days, and people were very hospitable & sweet, but so extremely poor. Most people just live in little deteriorating mud huts without electricity. Kristi & I were lucky bc her former host family has an extra room so we were able to share a bed in the extra room, but we also shared the room w rats & roaches. Ewww!

We went w Baba Salam (her host father) to see his farmer- 3ish acres where he & his wife/kids plant corn, oranges, casava, etc- all by hand, which is their sustenance for the year. We also watched Muhammed, their oldest climb a really tall coconut tree to get nazi (coconuts). And Mwamaima (Baba Salam & Mama's niece whose parents died of malaria) took us down to the water hole where we fetched water & learned to carry the buckets on our heads. I'lll post pics at some point when I'm at the right facilities to do so.

We're leaving Dar at the crack of dawn tomorrow to go to Mtwara, a beach town near Kristi's village, to relax a little. Not sure what kind of access we'll have there, but will post when I can.


1 comment:

Danny said...'re totally going to need to demonstrate the water balancing thing when you get back!